Make Every Day Earth Day1


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Enter the Sandman - Drought Continues

It has been a wet year thus far in the mid-continent where Triple E is headquartered, but what does that mean on the heels of a 3-year drought?  Not what you may have heard in the throes of a recent severe storm event!

If you are not from the tornado belt of the United States this might be unfamiliar to you, so let me set the stage...a few weeks ago Triple E was watching the local weather channel because a cold front was colliding with a warm front to produce a line of nasty thunderstorms.  In the early evening hours 6 inches of rain fell in Lawton, OK over the course of about 4 hours and tornadoes touched down.

On these special nights Triple E is reminded of Metallica's lyrics for Enter the Sandman,  'Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight.'  That is what you must do: keep one eye on the local weather channel and be prepared to run to the tornado shelter at any moment.  Somewhere in between catching a few zzzs and being serenaded by the tornado siren, Triple E heard the weatherman declare that this storm was a 'drought buster.'  Wait, WHAT?
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Investigate the drought status and clarify any misconceptions about the health of our long-term water budget...
What is the real story?