Make Every Day Earth Day1


Friday, March 29, 2013

Put the Kybosh on Pesticides

DDTA vast number of synthetic organic compounds have been produced for use as pesticides in the agricultural industry.  Pesticides include but are not limited to the sub-categories of herbicide, insecticide, and fungicide.  A pesticide is designed to kill a pest, obviously, and you can see from the root name of the sub-category which type of living organism is targeted.  The trouble is, most pesticides are non-selective.  In other words, many innocent bystanders (non-targeted 'pests') are also harmed in ways that cannot be anticipated (see DDT case history  Pesticides are developed and approved for use long before the unintended consequences are realized.
Great controversies, such as the Proposed Ban in Europe and Bee Colony Collapse Disorder in the US, are brewing today over the use of neonicotinoids (sub-category of insecticide).  Concerns run far and wide, and they should, so let's look at some of the pesticide occurrence research.
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Present classes of pesticides and delve into the classes that generally target insects...
What are the basics, according to research on Environmental Pollution?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

No Preservatives BHT, BHA, TBHQ

Have you checked the ingredients for packaged foods in your pantry?  It seems that nearly all of them include a preservative.  Preserving the freshness of your food doesn't sound like a bad thing, but the synthetic organic chemicals (such as BHT, BHA, or TBHQ) used as preservatives are often shown to be harmful to your body.  When adequate toxicological studies have been completed an acceptable daily intake (ADI) is established for a food additive.
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Discuss common food preservatives, and do some simple calculations to understand if a common dietary item puts your health at risk...
It is incredibly hard to eat a preservative free diet, but should you consider it?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Earth Hour 2013

Earth HourWhat were you doing on March 23, 2013 between 8:30pm and 9:30pm local time?  Participating in Earth Hour 2013?  An event that encourages households and businesses to turn-off non-essential lights for one hour.  The goal is to recognize the need to take action on climate change.  Did you miss it?  If so, we are not checking our calendars or clocks.  Pick an hour, preferably a nighttime hour when you are normally using artificial lighting, and turn them off!
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Inspire readers to participate in Earth Hour 2013 and other upcoming environmental stewardship events...
Who in the world is participating in Earth Hour?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ethanol or No Ethanol

Debate over biofuels has always been more about politics and economics than technology.  Consider for example, drought conditions in 2012 that brought attention to ethanol as a component of transportation fuel.  In this case, there was a call for Congress to suspend biofuel production 'goals' that were originally mandated to reduce US greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  So, suspend our GHG emission goals in favor of lower food costs?

It gets very complicated very quickly, so rather than get mired in macro-economics that are beyond Triple E's understanding, let's examine the scientific and quasi-political components of the debate.
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Present the pros and cons for using ethanol as a fuel additive or as a primary fuel...
What do you put first, personal economic gain/savings, environmental benefits, or the state of the union?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the ENERGY STAR program in 1992 and has since partnered with the US Department of Energy (DOE) to promote energy efficiency.  The ENERGY STAR label is used on products that meet the energy efficiency standards of the program and may be found on major appliances, office equipment, lighting, home electronics and more.  Home-builders can also design and build homes to EPA standards, earning the ENERGY STAR label after inspection and certification.

One of the easiest ways to reduce household energy consumption is to replace traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs.
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Examine the return on investment for energy efficient light bulbs, and run test by monitoring single family home electricity consumption...
Is there a noticeable impact to electricity consumption after making these changes?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Water Management

WaterAfter studying water issues for almost two decades, it is difficult to decide where to begin with the discussion of water.  Water is a major factor in energy, environment, and economic issues affecting all parts of the world.  Recent readings in Water: A Natural History by Alice Outwater have brought new insights to Triple E.  Outwater carefully describes how fur trading, the logging industry and agriculture evolved from the time North America was settled until the beginning of the new millennium.  Natural resource management or lack thereof substantially influenced water availability and water quality in the US.
Triple E Agent Assignment:
Convey thoughts on history, natural resource management and water shortage in the US...
How does water relate to the rest of the natural world and how do we affect the trends in water availability or quality?